A review by imyerhero
Certain Women by Madeleine L'Engle


I simply adore Madeleine L’Engle’s writing – which is precisely why I limit my reading of her books. When I run out of new ones, I will be completely heartbroken. She has the most amazing vocabulary! This book is incredibly powerful and emotionally charged. Emma Wheaton has to be one of the most beautiful characters out in the literary universe – mainly because of her life’s journey. The parallels L’Engle weaves between the Biblical characters and her own aren’t just entertaining, they’re influential. You find yourself asking the same questions as the characters themselves, “Why?” and “when?” and “what the…?” While I wasn’t pleased with all of David Wheaton’s family members, it only serves to show me that I wasn’t pleased with all of King David’s either, and that – Biblical or not – people will always make mistakes and will have to come to terms with the consequences of those mistakes. People will always be falling in love, and hurting each other, and struggling to find ways to forgive and be forgiven.