A review by bookgurl666
The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School by Sonora Reyes


this was a really really nice read. had me reflecting a lot about my experiences in catholic high school, where i kinda knew i was queer but didn’t have the vocabulary or community or support or anything to understand it.

this book triggered a lot of memories i suppressed. being lectured about abortion, listening to white boys say gay people were disgusting. feeling wildly out of place but not feeling like i could say anything because it was my choice to transfer. when my middle name was butchered at graduation and i wanted to grab the microphone and scream IT’S FININ.

this character is just like me. latina, gay, transfer in the middle of high school, someone with vastly different beliefs than the people around her. i haven’t felt so represented in a book before. it pulled me in so many directions of emotions, it was hard to bare but easy to read.

the only reason this isn’t 5 stars is because the middle of the book felt a little slow and there was some pacing issues throughout. but overall this moved me and i’m so so happy i stumbled upon it. big love.