A review by moody_gobling
Age of Myth by Michael J. Sullivan


This is my first book of 2020, and a read overdue.

I will admit it was hard for me to get into the book, and this was my second attempt at it. I thought it was going to be that old familiar hero’s tale: the chosen one has all the power and the plot lines just fall into place. And it was.... except not quite.

Sullivan has a knack for leading you right up to a trope and then pulling off slight-of-hand narrative. Comfortable fantasy readers might be meandering casually through the narrative while thinking something predictable will happen and a refreshing change of pace is introduced.

A fair amount of intrigue and a few different characters to follow made this book a slow burn. It ended up being something I wanted to see the conclusion of, but nothing I felt like galloping through.

My rating I’ll say as a 3.5. I was entertained, but it took a while for my full attention to be captured. I’d like the read the next in the series, but even with the cliffhanger and the “reveal” at the end, I don’t find myself eager to rush out and get the next book.