A review by muftarova
A Passage to India by E.M. Forster


A really good read. The author's use of language is almost unforgivable! He writes beautifully and satirically, his use of imagery is magnificent! His characters are developed in such a way that makes you feel like you actually know and met them personally, and its one of the best things about this book. Every character has their faults and qualities, they are all imperfectly human. At first glance this book wouldn't catch my eye, but im very glad i read it. It is an insight of India, its traditions, religions and people that lived there a few centuries ago. The clash between the English as "ocupators" of India, the Indians themselves and some that felt that they belonged to neither of the two is the main theme in this book (as far as i could capture it) but it is also the question of human understanding and relationships based on the beliefs, viewpoints and ways of life that they practice, and whether these things can be boundaries between men.