A review by leighbriarbooks
Sugarcoated by Sarah Epstein


Thank you so much to the author for a complimentary ARC for review! ♡

After reading this wholesome indie YA romance, I can say with absolute certainty that I could never be let down by Sarah Epstein. I am so thrilled that Sarah's seemingy effortless style and skill have transferred without a hitch into a new genre. I expected nothing less and I have not been disappointed. There's so much I want to say about this book but for now I'll be brief.

Sophie is totally lovable and I was instantly connected with her. It's difficult not to love her terrible quips just for the sake of sarcasm. Her voice and relationships with others feel very natural and real for teens this age. I especially loved Sophie's relationship with her sister Eloise. Sarah has so effectively conveyed the ride or die relationship they have. Beautiful.

While Sugarcoated is a very sweet read, it does deal with some very real themes in a very gentle way that I appreciated. I really felt the discomfort of Sophie's interactions with her boss, the betrayals and family dramas, the adorable competitive tension between Sophie and Simon.

I cannot wait for the next Leftovers book! I loved Sophie's story and I'm looking forward to learning more about the characters from [b:Piece of Cake|59652406|Piece of Cake (Leftovers, #0.5)|Sarah Epstein|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1637291827l/59652406._SY75_.jpg|93937994]!

Extended review and others like it up on my blog! ♡