A review by 1morepaige
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor


Edit: I'm re-reading this aloud to my spouse and holy shit this book is good. I was not kidding when I said so last year. It's wonderful for reading aloud. It's the kind of book that seems so lovingly crafted that I'm enchanted every step of the way.

I read this book in May. It's December when I'm writing this. I still think about Strange the Dreamer.
Which is super weird, because I read so much and so quickly that I regularly forget about entire books.

Not this one.

I think maybe this is one of the most original fantasy books I have read in years. Even the tropes felt fresh. Some of the writing was so beautiful and so poignant that it just stuck in my head and might be there forever.

Laini Taylor has stepped up her game here. I have read the DoS&B series, and liked it a lot, but Strange the Dreamer is a horse of a different color for me.

Honestly can't wait for book two because my heart is still broken from book 1. (Seven months later!!)