A review by greergreer
The Boy Who Dared by Susan Campbell Bartoletti


It begins with the National Socialist Party the leader Adolf Hitler rises to power to become chancellor of Germany and becomes Fuher of the Nazi party.
Germany is changing, Swastika flags start flying, books are burned that do not promote German Ideas the slander of the Jews rises. The people of Germany are slowly being brainwashed by the charismatic Nazi leader.
Helmuth and his friends do not agree with the Nazis bullying of people and the shaming and degrading way of the treatment of the Jews.
This is the beginning of the fear mongering the turning of family against family and accusations of sympathy for the enemies of the Nazi regime. The listening to foreign radio stations is even forbidden.

Helmuth has come to a dangerous idea, informing the public of the true nature of what the Nazis are doing by listening to the BBC London on contraband radio and relaying the information into a pamphlet and distributing it in secret.
This book is based on a true story of a young German boy, his moral need is to stand up for what he sees as intolerable actions. Helmuth is only sixteen years old he is still a child. In the eyes of the Nazi’s he is a treasonous enemy.