A review by schez
Swift by R.J. Anderson


My mum-in-law passed a copy this way and I am sooooo glad she did. I was a bit doubtful to begin with but I read this very quickly and thoroughly enjoyed it.

The book first introduces us to Ivy, a young Piskey born without wings who is about to participate in her first, annual Lighting celebration. It will be the first time when she will leave the Delve, her home deep in an abandoned mine; but things don't end well when their mother vanishes. It is beleived that she has been taken by thin, wispy creatures known as spriggans.

Five years on and their father has become silent, and spends all of his time working deep in the tunnels. Ivy runs the home and looks after them all, including her brother and sister.
But when another Piskey goes missing; it is assumed Spriggans are behind it...

When they catch what they suspect is a Spriggan, stories and mysteries begin to unravel and Ivy has to learn who she can trust and fast!

There were so many things that I loved about this book. I loved the way that the author has developed the scenes and characters. It flowed easily and captured the imagination.

I really liked Ivy's character and you find out a lot of her background as she does. It is written from her perspective so you learn along with her; who to trust and what piece of the puzzle goes where.

This wasn't a predictable, pink and fluffy fairy story. The characters in the book were more solid then other pieces I have come across; and therefore making them more believable.

There was plenty of adventure and plot twist to keep reader guessing...

Overall, a very entertaining and well written/thought out book.