A review by ceena
Touched by an Alien by Gini Koch


I put this one on my TBR because the synopsis is interesting and I heard some good things, but something about aliens always makes me hesitate. Well, I was in a PNR/UF reading mood and people told me to give it a try.

I'm so glad that I did! I'm also really sad that there are so many holds on the next book!! I really want to read the next one.

This book is funny and honestly doesn't take itself too seriously. There are moments where it feels like the author was having fun writing it, and I was totally down for that. Kitty can be a little too OP when she takes command and just naturally knows what to do, which was honestly one of the only things I had a problem with... she just knew what to do every time.

It was also a bit too insta-lovey for my taste, buuuutttt I really didn't mind. Her attraction grows throughout the book, so it isn't instant and she likes him for who he is, not just his looks. A bit of a love triangle *rolls eyes* the second thing I disliked about the book. I didn't think it played well and I disliked the dude's actions towards her which she was magically supposed to understand as him liking her. Um, no. I do believe the romance will continue to get better though. I'm looking forward to it.

So, yes, I'm looking forward to reading another book involving aliens. Who would have guessed?! If you like paranormal books with romance and humorous moments, you should give this a try.