A review by msethna
The Secrets We Keep by Trisha Leaver


While some reviewers found this book to be predictable and simplistic, I was actually engaged right from the beginning of the story. I found the relationship between the two sisters to be realistic and they reminded me of my own two children who love each other, yet struggle to get along. I can only imagine the guilt that Ella felt throughout this whole story: when her sister was killed in a car accident while she was driving, waking up to everyone thinking she is Maddy, pretending to be Maddy, and finally learning about Maddy's deep dark secret. In the end, I took comfort in knowing that Ella's story ended on a happier note.

More than anything, I think this book gives teens some moral questions to think about. How far will you go to get what you want? What is the importance of telling the truth? How do you continue to live and move forward after dealing with the death of a loved one? Who are your true friends and how do you know?

If you are interested in a book about the power of a sister's love, check out The Secrets We Keep by Trisha Leaver.