A review by slolley
Good Grief: Heal Your Soul, Honor Your Loved Ones, and Learn to Live Again by Theresa Caputo


When you lose a loved one your world breaks. Nothing looks the same anymore and you find yourself trying to rebuild the pieces and that they don't fit where they used to. I read this book in conjunction with a book about grief written by psychologists. I found both helpful for separate reasons. The book written by psychologists helped me to understand, logically, what I was going through and that I am not alone in how I was feeling, acting, interpreting my situation. That was so beneficial as you can sometimes feel crazy with the dramatic mood swings and deep sadness. Teresa's book helped me at a soul level somewhere deeper.

Prior to my brother's passing I didn't hold space for spirituality. As a scientist I only believed in tangible, evidence. When you lose someone and they just disappear you find it difficult to understand. Where did they go? What was the spark that animated them? How can that just disappear? This book helped bring me peace. My brother is still with me, he didn't disappear he is just in a different room. My view of spirituality has been completely rearranged. I've learned what it means to have faith.

I'm definitely still putting the pieces back together. I have a lot to learn, and to move through. This book was a huge help for me. I am grateful that I gave it a try. If you are on the fence, I recommend you take the plunge.