A review by radioactve_piano
Guardians of the Desert by Leona Wisoker


A wonderful sequel to Secrets of the Sands, which I picked up on a whim (because of a recommendation from Tamora Pierce). This seamlessly picked up where the first book left off -- with none of that annoying recapping in the first three pages that series' books seem to do. Yes, there was a little history, but it was sprinkled naturally throughout, thank heavens. Wisoker has a way of meandering through major plot and character developments, just lightly touching on things that turn out to be pivotal. I'm pretty certain there are no small details in either of these books.

The only thing that felt jarring about this book was the format -- the first book had substantially-sized chapters; this one seemed to have an average chapter length of four pages. The writing was still flawless, but I had to wonder why that decision was made.