A review by tracyreads
A Deep Horror That Was Very Nearly Awe by J.R. Hamantaschen


Really enjoyed reaching for this one every time I needed something quick (for the most part) to get lost in.

May I just say that I live in Ohio, and Hamantaschen's story in here "7099 Brecksville Road, Independence, Ohio" has made me look sideways at all gas stations. Really. Because there is something in the restrooms....
This story was my favorite of the collection. The author has a writing style in this particular tale that is accessible and I was IN IT from the start.

There were a few stories that just weren't for me. I don't think it's anything other than personal preference, just my experience. Those particular ones seemed to be a bit more telling than showing (to me) and that could have played a part in it. For at least one it was the length. I am not going through which ones, another reader may very well love them.

Finally, be sure to check out Char's review of this book - she does a smashing job and it was her review that made me agree to pick this one up in the first place :) . There is also a review up on Sci Fi and Scary from the lovely Graciekat!

Thank you to the author for sending me a copy - I enjoyed my time with these tales.