A review by colormeblueex
Come As You Are by Theresa Weir


4. 5 stars.

I don't know what to write about this story. It was pretty great, a little too short but pretty great. Molly and Ian find themselves connected in ways that many aren't. It starts out with a lie but it ends up being so much more. They share a great deal and both are hiding from their past in a way. Molly has some deep dark secrets and she avoids intimacy at all costs. When meeting Ian she almost wants to take that next step with him. I was hooked right from the beginning and read the entire book in one sitting. There were parts of this story that definitely were predictable but there were still secrets that were held up until the end. I really enjoyed reading this story and Ian just sounds like an all around great guy. He was kind and caring and such a bad drunk, which was strangely adorable. Even though this was quick and enjoyable there were still parts of this story that were pretty dark and I wish the author would have expanded and explained more parts of the story but overall I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys reading new adult books!