A review by cadiva
His Convenient Husband by Robin Covington


Victor is amazing, Isaiah is a dick and lots of bits of this book are a hot mess but I still mostly enjoyed it.

I note from friends reviews that the blurb changed at some point to remove references to Victor being gender fluid and that's probably a good thing as I didn't really read anything within the text which gave that impression.

Evan, Isaiah's adopted son on the other hand, did seem to be pushing boundaries and I loved him and his fierce attitude and determination to be himself.

Victor was awesome too, did I mention I loved Victor?! Dancers are a weakness for me, the power and grace and artistry and sexuality, vulnerability and their ability to convey emotion just ticks all my boxes.

It's one of the greatest joys and biggest regrets of my life that I didn't keep dancing past my mid teens, especially when I was dancing with some of the finest contemporary dancers who went on to found Phoenix Dance Theatre.

I wanted Victor to kick Isaiah to the curb after he hurt him through his foolish words and unthinking actions. I did understand where Isaiah was coming from, having lost his first husband, but he was still a dick.

There is some good groveling though and a very public declaration of feelings once Isaiah gets his head out of his own way and realises he's being a coward and the epilogue is super sweet.

It's quite a short story, longer than a novella but not full length story mode and I think that is what caused a bit of the messy plotting. Isaiah's change of heart and willingness to actually be with Victor as a proper husband just felt a bit too quick, even with Evan's calling out of his behaviour.

Still, kudos for the MCs being a POC pro footballer and Chechnyan dancer rather than the more commonly portrayed Caucasian males.

#ARC received from the publishers via NetGalley in return for an honest and unbiased review.