A review by becandbooks
Dreamfall by Amy Plum


This book was a yes but also a no. While I wouldn't straight up call this book problematic, it did jump on a lot of horror/mental health cliches that made me not so happy. But it was also heaps of fun.

By far, this is not a unique storyline: getting trapped in a dreamscape that involves running away from nightmares and maybe/maybe not dying has been done before. However, if you are like me and enjoy cheesy, slasher-feeling, YA horror stories (see There's Someone Inside Your House) then you will probably still get a kick out of this book.

“When working with an unknown situation, you have to identify known factors and work within their boundaries.”

The pacing of this book is really well done. There is action and suspense and all that dark horror story goodness, but that's not to a detriment of a minimal storyline. There is a lot to figure out: if you die in the nightmare do you die in real life? what's with 'the void'? who are these people trapped together really? what's with that monster that keeps turning up? There is plenty to think about and keep you interested in the story.

And this isn't as cheesy as I was expecting. Sure it's got plenty of cliches (and not all good ones, more on that later) and it's less terrifying and more "yeah people are probably going to die and there are a few corpses thrown in but I'm not at all scared". But all in all, I found the book engaging all the way through and finished it up in just a day.

"They’ll be shocking us into normalcy.
Yes, I’m scared. But if this is what I have to do to be able to sleep again, I’m ready to sign my life away."

Okay, so what are these issues that I keep talking about then?

Well, a lot of the characters present with different physical and mental health disorders. They all have insomnia and other sleep-related disorders, and several also identify with PTSD, anorexia, depression, and suicidal tendencies. And while I wasn't expecting these to be heavily discussed or looked into, there were times in which they probably could have been addressed with more sensitivity.

One line that stood out to me was when the MC, Cata, is thinking about the other teenagers involved in the story: "I'm not sure they're 100% normal". This directly aimed at their mental and/or physical well-being and can we please just agree that the 'normal' label is trash?

And then there is
Spoilerthe psychopath plot twist. One, did it have to be a plot twist? Two, just because someone is an alleged murderer doesn't mean it is mental health related and vice versa. There are plenty of people who are diagnosed anti-social disorder AKA psycho/sociopath that are not running around plotting murders. It's just an old/sad/worn-out and damaging trope and I'm really hoping it's addressed with sensitivity in the sequel.

All in all though, I enjoyed this book. I am a sucker for books written in the YA slasher style and I do want to read more of them. I will be picking up [b:Neverwake|35180938|Neverwake (Dreamfall #2)|Amy Plum|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1508174714l/35180938._SY75_.jpg|46757612] and no doubt you guys will hear my thoughts when that happens.

trigger warnings: death, gore, sleep disorders, depression, suicidal tendencies, PTSD, eating disorder, mental health stigmatization, psychosis

Note: Review copy received from NetGalley. This does not impact opinions within this review.

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