A review by im211
Pricked by Scott Mooney


I was quite pumped to read this book sounded right up my alley.
There was just feeling, lighting the sky like fireworks in the summer night.I felt the roses below and with a beckoning gesture, I called two of them up to me...In my right hand was a slender red rose, its bloom just barely opening at the top. This was a rose with possibilities, its power red and dark...

[b:Pricked|40494865|Pricked|Scott Mooney|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1558731621s/40494865.jpg|62808168] had an intriguing premise with creative world building and fleshed out characters, and a good mystery but in a nutshell, I found the story quite underwhelming.

We get the relevant backstory of the characters and the history they shared, which I really liked about this book. We see their struggle with jobs, life, relationships making us warm up to our MC.

I would have appreciated if the Book came with more info about its content like its not only fantasy category but falls into Queer category as well.

The mystery unravelling was quite entertaining with phrases derived from fairytales for instance (Let down your hair whose counter is Gothel is here) and the interesting layout of Bad Apple with their ambiguous politicals system further adding to the supernatural element.

The mystery was rather simple, it had the air of complexity at the beginning but it fell to the common mystery-solving pattern towards the end.
_Little bit of continuity problem in the first chapter
_ There were moments were relationship developments were rushed, Antioine developing feeling in less than 12 hours, and that too being a knight? LiL unbelievable.

Thank you NetGAlley and Bleeding Ink Publishing for providing this E-Arc