A review by madisonleb
Hopeless by Elsie Silver


really cute ending to the Eaton clans stories! I liked how this one was a slower burn, with them building a pretty strong friendship during their fake engagement. 


Beau Eaton is a different person since coming back from being lost in Afghanistan during a special-ops mission. He’s withdrawn, jumpy, and overall a broody asshole now instead of the happy-go-lucky funny guy he used to be. One night when he’s drinking himself silly to help him sleep, Bailey sets him straight. The bartender at the local place, and the youngest Jansen. Her family is knows for being shit stirrers and criminals, but she’s just trying to make an honest living, which is hard when the whole town discriminates against her because of her last name. But Beau never has. He’s always seen her as the sweet and shy one, nothing like her family. They form a sort of friendship, and eventually they strike a deal. He wants her help in getting his family off his back about what he’s up to & she needs help with her reputation, wanting to get a second job but nobody will hire a Jansen. They become fake engaged to help both problems. Issue is, that they both begin to develop stronger feelings for the other as time goes on. It doesn’t feel as fake anymore to either of them. They finally come clean and agree to try going out for real. They keep up the engaged pretense, and Beau is for real with telling her he eventually will marry her. When the secret comes out that Beau is the owner of the bar she works at, she feels he’s lied and pitied her this whole time. It takes some time but eventually they come back together and Beau moves out of Chestnut Springs with her. They move to the city where they both get fresh starts, together.