A review by ajmaybe
The Inheritance by Robin Hobb


So far, I've only read the three stories ser in Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings. This is actually my second encounter with "Homecomings." I read it first in the Legends II anthology. It was the first Robin Hobb that I read. I liked it then and it stayed with me enough that eventually sought out more Hobb. Now, reading it again after having read the Rain Wilds Chronicles, Liveship Traders, and Farseer series, I love it. It is a prequel to all of those, and is engrossing and original on its own. If you've read the later novels, the knowledge you have of this world's future doesn't spoil the story at all; it only adds layers and questions and angles of interest. "Homecomings" is in the 4-5 star range.

"Cat's Meat" and "The Inheritance" are fine stories, but more ordinary. They are only lightly interwoven with Hobb's created world. This may make them more approachable on their own, but they are also fairly simple and not as richly suggestive and compelling as I've come to expect from Hobb. 2-3 stars for these.