A review by katieejayne
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: A Picture Book by


**I was sent a copy of this in exchange for an honest review/ as a result of my job**
Full disclosure. I haven't actually watched Buffy, in its entirety anyway. I've seen the odd episode here and there and what I have seen I've loved. So it is something that I want to watch eventually. I knew enough to understand why certain characters had been included in this picture book. Things like this always make me smile, its the same feeling I get when I read a book and see a little easter egg the author left. A picture book of Buffy is not only fun for the child but possibly the person reading it to them. The TV show has a massive following a for a parent to be able to introduce their child to something they loved via this kind of media is so lovely. The actual book itself is adorable too, I loved the art style and it has a great message attached to it.

Definitely going to have to find someone to read this too...

A big thank-you to Quirk for sending this over.
