A review by keyapaha16
Faith and Moonlight by Joe King, Mark Gelineau


** I received this ebook for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This did not influence myself review at all. **

When I first saw this book's cover, I became pretty excited. Three artwork was great and the title sounded pretty cool. It almost reminded me of Tamora Peirce's books and I absolutely love her writing. So to say I had some high expectations for this book would be true.

All throughout the book, I had to keep reminding myself that the main characters were only 14 years of age. With the situations they find themselves in and the way their personalities and behaviors were written, I was always thinking they were older. I appreciated the way the author wrote all of the characters in the book. They had just enough depth for me to be intrigued of their adventures and want too know more, but not so complex that I ever felt confused trying to follow along in the story.

The one thing I find that I didn't like was the dialogue between the characters. At times, it felt a bit forced and juvenile and I wouldn't spend any extra time with it. Three were definitely some great bones there. Overall, I enjoyed getting to know the characters and am looking forward to reading the rest of the series!

I gave this book 3 magical stars!