A review by bellatora
My Fake Boyfriend is Better Than Yours by Kristina Springer


This book is for late-grade school students, up to middle schoolers. It's a cute, lovely book about friendship and being true to yourself. For what it is, it's very nice, but it is not even close to my age range. I expected a YA book with a dash of romance, and this is not that at all.

I knew I was in trouble when I found out the characters were in seventh grade. That automatically makes the book too young for me. And there was also no romance or actual boys in this book - just the boyfriends that Tori and her best friend Sienna make up. Sienna, because she wants to be cool. Tori, because she's annoyed at Sienna for lying and ignoring her.

This is not a regular four-star rating because four star usually means I enjoyed it more. However, I can't penalize this book because it's meant for a different audience. It's like giving a Dick & Jane book a three star rating because the plot is slow and the characters are two-dimensional. That's not the point of those books!

For the age-range intended, this is quite a good book. Simplistic, but that's how those books tend to go. It's cute, it's sweet, it's silly, it gives a good lesson without being preachy. It just isn't for twenty-somethings.