A review by triciaschneider
The Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance: Volumes 1 and 2 by Trisha Telep


It took me a while to read this anthology. I carried it around and read here and there, which is what I really enjoy. Lately, I'm more interested in short stories while I'm waiting in line to pick up my son from preschool.

For the most part, I really enjoyed these stories. They're all written by bestselling authors who've already made a name for themselves with readers. Some authors I've read before, but for the majority were new to me, as in I've heard of them but I've never read any of their stories. There were a few stories that I questioned, since at least two of them didn't really have a happily-ever-after or an even happy-for-now endings. They were interesting stories, but not what I'd label as romance. Not that I found them disappointing, but the just didn't seem to fit in this collection.

The rest, of course, fit the genre perfectly. Here we find a slew of paranormal creatures that are sure to satisfy, such as vampires, werewolves, selkies, gargoyles, djinn, superheroes and so much more.

I thought about reviewing each, but thought that might take up too much time, so I'll just highlight the stories that really struck me as good!

Paranormal Romance Blues by [a:Kelley Armstrong|7581|Kelley Armstrong|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1199068298p2/7581.jpg]. When it comes to paranormal stories, you just can't go wrong with Ms. Armstrong. I've loved her writing since the first book I read written by her, [b:Dime Store Magic|125926|Dime Store Magic (Women of the Otherworld, #3)|Kelley Armstrong|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1355183293l/125926._SY75_.jpg|2492799]. The only problem I saw with this particular story is that I wished it was longer. But, that could just be my natural hunger for her writing.

How to Date a Superhero by [a:Jean Johnson|2465550|Jean Johnson|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1314726755p2/2465550.jpg]. This is the first superhero romance that I've ever read, and I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am a superhero fan (give me Marvel or DC hero any day!) but I've never read a romance featuring this type of hero. I loved it! It made me want to read more superhero romances. And really, with all the women I know who go crazy over the Avengers, why haven't I seen more superhero romances out there? We need more people!

Night Vision by [a:Maria V. Snyder|445303|Maria V. Snyder|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1530814053p2/445303.jpg]. Oh, I loved this one! Maybe it was the setting, maybe it's just me with my insatiable hunger for certain stories, but with a few tweaks, this one could have easily been a paranormal MacGyver story. For whatever reason, MacGyver spoke to me through this story, and I realize the author probably had no intention of that. It's probably just my obsession. But I enjoyed the story so much! I loved the characters and the thrill of running for their lives, the danger and suspense and the connection between the hero and heroine. It was a fun ride! I'll read this one again in the future, just because I love this kind of story.

The Princess and the Peas by [a:Alyssa Day|35023|Alyssa Day|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1251143528p2/35023.jpg]. This one was way different for me! I loved it! Just when I thought I knew what was going to happen, the author diverted direction and I ended up reading a story I had no idea how it would unfold. Which, I'm sad to say, is mostly unusual for me. Maybe its because I'm a writer, with some stories, I can predict which direction the characters are going. Not this time. This was interesting! I especially loved the humor. I just wish it was longer! I'd love to read more!

At Second Bite by [a:Michelle Rowen|38531|Michelle Rowen|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1235178439p2/38531.jpg]. Another fun, fast-paced story with a snarky heroine. It was an incredibly quick read with a lot of danger, suspense and humor. I loved the characters and the struggles they were facing. The author painted a very thorough picture in such a short story that made it feel much longer. It tied up neatly (maybe a little too neatly), but for a short story this was fine. I feel the author could have made this a longer story and it would be just as enjoyable.

Blue Crush by [a:Rachel Caine|15292|Rachel Caine|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1373144795p2/15292.jpg]. Alright. I'll say this now. I can't tell you how many times I placed Ms. Caine's books on the bookshelves in the bookstore where I worked for so many years. I'm disappointed with myself that I never picked up one of her books to read. Are they all like this? I'm going to have to find out. This story was probably the best short story in the entire collection. Yes, I said it. That's how much I loved it! Now, granted, the characters were already established, the hero and heroine were already together, and I know nothing of them. This is part of her Weather Warden series, which, like I said, I've heard about, but never read. Well, now I have to start reading them because of this story.

In Sheep's Clothing by [a:Meljean Brook|24009|Meljean Brook|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/f_50x66-6a03a5c12233c941481992b82eea8d23.png]. Oh, this was another fun one that takes the reader on a full journey with just a few short pages. We get an entire backstory within the action that propels the story forward. It was like reading a full novel in a few minutes. I really enjoyed this one!