A review by theresidentbookworm
Quantum Teens Are Go Volume 1 by Magdalene Visaggio


Thoughts on Quantum Teens Are Go #2

1. I really like Nat's history teacher. I know that the wise, caring history teacher is a trope, but it is a trope I like and deeply believe in.

"So, tonight, I want you guys to be thinking about how fragile the world can be. Even today, we're staring down the possible collapse of the post-war international order. Why is it the only one piece out of place can do such damage?"

2. Okay, I take it back. I love Mr. Carlito. He's a supportive teacher, worried about his student and willing to do anything to help because he admires how brave Nat is for being who she is. Hats off to you, Mr. Carlito.

3. Riley's easy acceptance of Nat's new identity and her insistence that they now be girlfriends. It might be a little pushy and overbearing, but at least it's supportive.

"Oh, no no no no, Nat. Listen, you and me are going to get some ice cream and we are going to watch Gilmore Girls and we are going to cry. If we're gonna be girlfriends, then damnit we are going to be girlfriends."

I love Riley, I love her Gilmore Girls reference, and I love how great the trans representation is in this book.

4. What are those things they keep seeing? Why are they appearing everywhere? Does this have something to do with their weird time machine thing? Is it a time machine? I don't know. Science fiction is confusing.

5. I love how completely annoyed Nat and Sumesh are by the end of the week by the weird, lurking machine men everywhere.

6. Riley complaining about the casual misogyny of her life while Nat lies on the desk throwing a ball in the air and then them taking a pirate selfie is just perfection.

7. What is the weird robots saying? What language is this supposed to be in? I have so many questions.

8. Sumesh, don't be such an asshole to Martin. He's trying so hard to be your friend and to reach out, and you just shut him down.

9. Sumesh and Natalie are my relationship goals. They just gel together, and they match each other in smarts and sarcasm.

10. Huge cliffhanger! Who is she? Stop Nat from doing what?