A review by aeleksaendra
Schoolgirl by Osamu Dazai



At the beginning of reading this book, I wasn't too sure about how to feel about it, as I felt like the reflections of the protagonist were somewhat pointless, as it wasn't going too deep into detail. The more I read on though, the more I read parts of the text where it clicked for me. I felt understood, I felt represented in some of these girl's thoughts written from a male author, and for a moment I wondered how he did it. Especially when the titular school girl was talking about social and personal mimicry, taken from other's experiences and identifying with them in an attempt to fit into this world. Teenagers just want clear guidance for how to become an adult, but instead they are just met with arbitrary demands of how not to be and what not to do. The feeling of having your amibitions and dreams stripped away from you and not being to express them or fear criticism. What I also found interesting was the clear descriptions of other, older women's features and the protagonist's show of disgust - at first, I was mad at how she felt, but later on I suddenly understood that it was fear of growing up that stood behind that disgust. How her thoughts varied by the second and how she was aware of those irrational feelings, I thought it was quite an accurate representation of a teenager's mind. There is a lot of in-depth reflection and self-awareness, but it can be easily shot down or interrupted, sometimes making it feel meaningless. I could mention a few more things, but overall, I've found this short story despite its age to be quite modern and up-to-date in terms of the insights it provides into the experience and thoughts of a teenage girl, which is pretty impressive.