A review by davehershey
So wie ich bin: die Autobiographie by Billy Graham


I found Billy's store very encouraging and challenging. His humility comes through in this long story. He preached the Gospel on every continent; most amazing were the doors open to preach in the Soviet Union, China and North Korea. Reading of his friendships with every president since Eisenhower was wonderful because he demonstrated the love of Christ to these powerful people. Billy's interaction with these presidents serves as a lesson for all of us for he did not get involved in politics, he prayed with and for them regardless of whether he agreed with them or not, and he genuinely liked them. His love for all people comes out and it is easy to see how he truly enjoyed being around all sorts of people from the most powerful to the least, from Christian to atheist and everyone in between. At times the story seemed too stuffed with names and places, but what can be expected in recounting over a half-century of work. The final part of the book where he discusses his friends and family was a great conclusion as it took the focus away from Graham the celebrity and put it on Graham the family man and friend.