A review by angrywombat
Swords Against Death by Fritz Leiber


This was a fantastic collection.

10 short stories that full of crazy ideas and shenanigans! Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser are great characters that seem to find themselves in all sorts of problems, often of their own creation! There is a real sense of vibrancy and joy in these stories - even when horrific they feel HORROR!

These stories were written over decades and out of order, but here they have been placed in rough chronological order as seen by the characters in them, but there is no overarching metaplot, just a couple of guys trying to ale the most out of their lives.

I love that so many of the tropes that seem common over the last decades are very evident, but all seem played with a little here - Mouser is the civilised man of town, but also a superstitious rube :) Fafhrd is the giant barbarian, but also a trained singer and linguist. They name their weapons, even though they keep loosing and replacing them they keep the names :)

Definitely going to read more. It seems that these are classics for a damn good reason!