A review by hillaryp48
Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon


Georgie wakes up in a cage full of other women and is confused how she got there and what is going on. Turns out, they were all abducted by aliens and are flying through space. There is one girl in the cage that was given a translator and is able to tell everyone what the aliens are saying which helps them to survive. The ship crashes onto an icy planet and Gerogie is the one that volunteers to go out and see if she can find food and water. She finds way more than that, she finds her soulmate Vektal. Georgie is determined to make it back to the crash site and rescue the other girls. This is my first science fiction romance and it was amazing! I loved the world that Ruby created and how she explains everything. The spice in this book is hot as hell too!!! Loved this book and can’t wait to read more in the series.