A review by novelinsights
Prime Deceptions by Valerie Valdes


I was super excited about the overall premise of this series, and while I enjoyed the first book, I had been somewhat disappointed by the overly fast pacing and the humor that, at times, felt like it was trying a little too hard. However, because of how much I wanted to love the core concept, I knew I had to give the sequel a shot. I went into this novel with hesitant optimism and was very pleasantly surprised. Valdes seems to have come into her own as a writer in this second novel, providing us with fewer, more fleshed out plot points that allow readers the time they need to fully immerse themselves in the word and connect with the characters. This book changed just about everything that I disliked about the first book while maintaining all the elements that made the idea shine for me in the first place, and I am excitedly looking forward to Book 3. This series will appeal to fans of Firefly and nerd culture in general, and this particular installment will be especially appreciated by Pokemon fans.