A review by bookbae96
Snowed In by Sarah Title


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After being jilted by her boyfriend of two years, Maureen O'Connell finds herself in a, well, strange position. Considering drowning her woes in a pint of ice cream, Maureen's encounter with a mystery man amidst the frozen foods is completely out of character, but does the trick of snapping her out of her misery. And when fate brings them together again, she's in for quite a surprise.

Snowed In by Sarah Title was a pleasant surprise for me. I'd never read any of Sarah's books, but this one looked cute (I'm a sucker for a story involving a librarian, being the book lover that I am), so I picked it up. This is a shorter read, but no less engaging for not being longer. Maureen's inner dialogue had me laughing, and Gavin is an absolute sweetheart, being just what Maureen needs to get over her ex. Their interactions are sweet, humorous, and pretty darned sexy, and I enjoyed reading their story. Sarah writes character and dialogue in a way that drew me right in and kept me reading straight through to see how things finished up. The secondary characters are great, too. I absolutely adored Pippa and Marv; they are a hoot, and we should all be so lucky to have neighbors like them.

The only thing that gave me pause with Snowed In was the darned insta-love aspect between Maureen and Gavin. It's fairly common in romances, especially if the story is shorter, but I have a hard time buying into the idea. Given the quirky way that they met, though, and the chemistry between them, I was willing to go along with the story and see how it played out, and Sarah did a nice job of tying things together in the end. I will happily read more books by Sarah, and would recommend Snowed In for fans of the genre.