A review by magiccereal
The Lost Dreamer by Lizz Huerta


3.5 stars. The majority of this book was excellent and I was anticipating giving it 5 stars, but the ending was a bit confusing and left little resolved. Had the ending been the midpoint of the story, it would have made a lot more sense. I am guessing this is to set up a sequel, but I think it would have been better to move the pacing of this book along a bit quicker instead of stretching it out to make content for two books. Once the plot twist was announced, certain scenes that carried little importance to the overall trajectory of the narrative were described in lengthy, somewhat agonizing detail while questions and problems that were introduced in the first 3/4 of the book were never touched on or communicated between the characters. Instead of meaningfully connecting the two narratives, it just made the story feel rushed and forced. Still, the world building was great and I enjoyed most of it.