A review by qu33nofbookz
Ready To Were by Robyn Peterman


I received this book as a gift for an honest review. I never read the first edition and this edition says it has added more to the older copy. This is really a novella ad that is fine, the added content was probably a bonus to the over all plot. The story itself was fine, I even liked the idea, but it was the execution that got to me. It could have been edited a bit more as there were a few grammar and spelling mistakes. The over use of slang or urban words of the day weighed down some of the story and were not necessary, they date the story and are not familiar to many people. There were many poor word choices that had me hung up in many places. Also the swiftness of the time line, everything takes place in about 3 or 4 days but at the end the main character is saying a week or weeks? Also the main character left home and joined this agency she works for and in a year she went from a just out of high school young woman to a mature top of her field, many missions under her belt top agent? Not possible, and unbelievable. The characters themselves weren't bad but could have been rounded out just a bit more. As for the gay vampyre best friend, now that was way over the top cliche and rather a bit annoying. All in all it was an okay read, the story/plot idea was good, it was all put out but just a bit too quickly. The characters could use just a bit of fine tuning but their not annoying baring the over the top gay vamp. Could use a little more editing and better word choice and it could be a top notch short story. I would pass this on to a few of my friends. If another edition comes out with a little more work it would get another star.