A review by par4phrasing
Ballad of Sword and Wine: Qiang Jin Jiu (Novel) Vol. 1 by Tang Jiu Qing


“It was the sunlight beyond his reach, the bright spirit he no longer possessed. There was a part of him that didn't want to return it.”

Okay, I haven’t really been in the mood to write reviews recently, but for QJJ I have to write at least a little because this novel has such a special place in my heart. 

This first volume is already a beautiful insight into the complex political world t97 is building, I know for many it’s going to be confusing at the beginning, but the hurdles in your path are definitely going to pay off. The politics in QJJ are set up not only to be intriguing, to keep you guessing to a certain degree, but they’re also explained in detail through conversations the characters have and their subsequent actions, which I’ve always loved about this novel because not every author does it in such detail and from different perspectives. 

However, not only the politics and world building are praise-worthy, it’s also the character development (although in this volume we haven’t seen the extend of it yet and won’t for a good while). Especially when it comes to the main characters Shen Lanzhou and Xiao Ce’an, they both not only develop as a unit together with their extremely unique bond, but also as individual characters.

Coming from a person who is reading this novel a second time now, the beauty of QJJ really is in how, despite knowing what will happen next, you still feel practically the same excitement and thrill you felt when you first read it. I haven’t had this much fun rereading a novel in a bit, especially since the first time reading it had a such significant emotional impact on me.