A review by morgs777
Y: The Last Man - The Deluxe Edition Book Five by Brian K. Vaughan


Um… lol

What happened here??????

I don’t regret reading this series at all.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way.

…I don’t like Alter’s, Hero’s, either Beth’s, Yorick’s, or 355’s storyline. We spend so long trying to find Original Beth, and then when we do we have a garbage breakup, and then a profession of love for 355, then her murder, then….. nothing except for as another reader mentioned a tacked on feeling epilogue.

Wait and why did he marry Other Beth and why did Original Beth end up with his sister — WTAF?

It feels like we dilly dallyed around for years? A decade? For the most rushed ending. That wasn’t even good.

I guess I recommend this series to those new to graphic novels or who enjoy them, those who think the premise is interesting, those who like binge reading, and those who are looking for 2000s nostalgia.