A review by carroq
Wild Card by Jim Butcher, Mark Powers


Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Wild Card is the second graphic novel set in the Dresden Files universe that I've read. This one takes place further into the series than I've read, but it has a lot of the same elements that make the series so enjoyable.

Harry Dresden is the only private detective in Chicago that is also a wizard. The blend of the realistic setting with magic works great. He is asked to investigate the deaths of two young women, which leads him into a feud between vampires, the mafia, and the police force. This is all orchestrated by a mysterious bad guy.

The art is solid, and the whole book looks great. Karin's depiction is a little off from that I remember from the books. Unless something changed with her that I'm not aware of, it could bug fans. It wasn't anything major though. I swear the bad guy looks very similar to one of the creatures in the other Dresden Files graphic novel I read.

On its own, the book isn't anything special. The story is fun to read, but it doesn't explore any themes in depth and doesn't reveal much history of the characters involved. Anyone that reads the series should enjoy it for another chance to visit these characters though.