A review by piepieb
His Ballerina Bride by Teri Wilson


This is a beautiful book ... don't be dissuaded by my 3-star rating, I'll get to that later (Spoilers!).

The "meet-cute" happens practically right away in this short (just over 200 pages) novel, and it's adorable how Ophelia is embarrassed to be seen eating cake (for customers only, not employees). Caught red-handed by her boss, Artem Drake, Ophelia then finds herself designing a new collection for Drake Diamonds.

I'm sure I've read this type of book before... rich boss falls in love with not-so-rich employee... but the layout was perfectly executed. Ophelia has a secret that cost her a career in ballet, and she's determined to keep her past hidden. She's a very kind and compassionate person, with no family, and she spends her free time volunteering at an animal shelter and becomes Artem's "cat-sitter." (Sort of.)

An elegant cover, an intriguing start to this trilogy, steamy, sexy scenes... but what I didn't like was
Spoilerhow Ophelia became pregnant when she distinctly stated that she would never marry, never have children. Artem didn't want children either. He didn't wear a condom - seems like he forgot? - and Ophelia's doctor tells her (after the fact) that MS medications causes birth control to be less effective. At first, I thought Artem was going to force Ophelia to marry him at City Hall, but Ophelia was so emphatic about saying no that it didn't pan out. However, the story progresses, and they make up and Artem has a beautiful ballet studio built in his penthouse for Ophelia.

The ending is beautiful, and I can't help but want to be in NYC with snow and classical music swirling around me and looking forward to cuddling in front of a fire. I love when a book transports me like that.