A review by woolfardis
Truths, Half Truths and Little White Lies by Nick Frost


Autobiographies are not really my thing: not unless they're a comedian or relatively funny person and can make me laugh whilst reading them. I don't really care about reading about people's lives. Especially famous people. Who cares? Seriously. Who cares.

But comedians and funny people are different. You know it's going to be funny. It has to be. It's their job. That's basically all it has to be. If it's not then what is the point? For me personally, autobiographies are the only books I'll read for pure escapism. Read to laugh. Read to forget the state of the world. Read for something really quick and simple to read. Read when I just can't be bothered to get in to a long novel and the short stories have ended. Sometimes they read just like funny little stories.

Nick Frost didn't want to be an actor. He accidentally became one. That's a good story in of itself. He first appeared in the (I'm biased) amazingly amazing Spaced on Channel 4 with the (I'm really biased) amazingly amazing Simon Pegg. They'd become best friends. Brain lovers. Platonic soul mates. They shared a bed for fuck's sake.

This almost made my dead, black heart cry though. Nick Frost has a had quite the life and he doesn't hold back. He does what he tells you he's going to do, warts and all. He's so good on his promise that you'll be taken on quite the ride, with humour thrown in. That's the best bit. He's had the shit kicked out of him more than once, almost got blown to smithereens in Israel and has been higher more times than the Beatles. It's unrelenting and bleak, but his humour makes it bearable. Humour is a really good coping mechanism if you do it right.

The feeling you get when you finish a really good book. I got it when I finished this. Like I'd been taken on a ride to hell and back, but on the way we detoured to heaven. I haven't had that feeling from a book in so long and I missed it so much. No more reading books because of their covers, or because everyone on Bookstagram is posting about it. No. Just reading it because I want to and sod the three people who only gave it 1 star on GoodReads because you can't give 0. That's a good feeling to get from a book.

Thanks Nick.