A review by mat_tobin
Swamp Angel by Anne Isaacs


A beautifully illustrated picture book set in the beginning of the 1800s in Tennessee. Angelica Longrider is born differently from everyone else in terms of size. Known as the Swamp Angel after she saved a wagon train logged in the mire, this is an American tall tale which competes our giant hero against the great bear known only as Thundering Tarnation (great name).
When none of the men in the land can defeat this great foe, Angelica decides to ignore the cruel jibes of the local men 'Shouldn't you be home, mending a quilt?' and goes head to head again the mighty bear. A great battle takes place (stunning to look at) in which she not only manages to defeat the beast but take his pelt with her too.

I am sure that there are a lot of cultural connotations within the text that I am missing with regard to how the men and women of 19th century Tennessee interact with each other but you cannot miss the fact that Angelica makes for a great female hero. Her physical strength as well as her strength of mind serve her well and help her overcome the beast. Zelinsky's illustrations are gorgeous and finished in a style that gives a sense of the historical to it.