A review by smellbelle
Hotel Alpha by Mark Watson


This was simply, gorgeous. I'll admit that I picked it up at the bookshop because the blurb reminded me of the film 'The Grand Budapest Hotel' that I had recently seen. It was because I liked the film so much that I bought the book.

Though there could be similarities drawn, this is certainly not the same thing. I thought it was funny, genuine, original and quite compelling. I did think that it stopped short at the end and I was a little disappointed there, but given that Watson has a whole website devoted to other stories from the Alpha, I think that this is largely intentional.

There was just the right amount of mystery and warmth for the two main characters from whose point of view the story is told. I immediately liked Graham, who did in fact remind me of Ralph Fiennes' character in The Grand Budapest Hotel, for his attention to detail and love of all things classic.

All in all, this was a joy to read, and was something light and pleasant to read at lunch for a few days.