A review by atlantiareads
Nightshade, by Andrea Cremer


I have nothing but good things to say about the first book in Andrea Cremer’s new series. Great Story, great characters, and a book that will keep you up till the wee hours of the morning unable to stop reading.

When I started this book I had pre-concieved notions of what this book would be like just because it was in the Young Adult genre. That was a huge mistake on my part, Because this book might be classified as young adult but it had none of the petty drama that usually happens in the YA books I have read.

The main character Calla is such a strong and smart “almost” woman. She doesn’t want to follow the rules that her pack has laid out for her. But she also doesn’t wan’t to die because she broke those rules. With adventure, love, angst, and jealousy; Nightshade leads the reader on an amazing ride that will not stop for anything. You better take this book every where you go because if you don’t you’ll only wish you had. This story finds its way into your heart and head, to the point where it is the only thing you can think about.

The dynamics of the wolves, the keepers, and the searchers societies are amazingly constructed. With an ending that leaves the reading wanting so much more you can’t help but wish that you had already bought the next book in the series.