A review by shannanwithana
The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau


Here's my 10 second review:

1. This is not a copycat story: When they say you’ll like this series if you liked the Hunger Games that’s totally true. But this story can stand on it’s own two feet. If you like young adult dystopians and want solid characters and a fast paced plot, you have to read this series.

2. You’ll have to read the whole trilogy right away: I tried to finish another book I had started. No luck. After a couple pages I dove into Independent Study I had to know what happened next.

3. You’ll Question the “Grey Zone”: Charbonneau does a great job of mixing the black and white of life together till there is so much grey you don’t really know what you should believe. I love books that push boundaries and make me struggle through the messiness of life. This series does just that.

For my full review check out my blog: shannanwithana.com