A review by simsbrarian
Doctor Who and the Cybermen by Gerry Davis


This was an entertaining novelization of the 2nd Doctor episode. The reader (Anneke Wells; actress who played Polly) was good with voices and having the Cybermen voiced by Nicholas Briggs (voice of the new series Cybermen) was a fun bonus for me. The downside: the plot is very thin and, as often happens when the focus is on "action" instead of thoughtful or clever moments; pretty illogical
SpoilerThe Cybermen profess to want to destroy Earth because humans may, at some point, again be a threat to them. Eliminate all future threats, sort of thing. So they head to the weather-control station the humans have up on the moon. When this base's "gravitron" goes just a BIT wonky; huge weather problems start occurring on Earth. But instead of just saying "Oh; okay; awesome. We'll just destroy the base and this gravitron and let the huge mega-storms destroy humanity and wipe up the dregs that remain" the Cybermen try to push forward some extremely strange plot involving poisoning the sugar to seed "agents" on the inside and, by the end, cajoling the men to let them in the front door before they count to 10 or they'll blow the place up! Very "how to negotiate with toddlers" and silly but entertaining. For a certain value of entertainment!

The Doctor, Ben, Polly, and Jaime land on the moon. Unbeknownst to them; at about the same time, Cybermen ALSO land on the moon. And everyone is headed for the domed space station from which the humans are guiding and controlling the Earth's weather patterns. I will say that the audiobook of the novelization was an improvement over the actual episode as some of the scripting is very flat and boring on screen.