A review by icantwritegood
The Coming Storm by Paul Russell


This book is a hate-crime made of paper. I'm only giving a star for Claire's character, AKA the only likeable one. Other than that, despite the writing itself being pleasant (if long-winded and unnecessary at points), the terrible representation of gay men and the p*dophilia that is associated with them throughout this story (and the uncomfortable attempts at romanticizing said p*dophilia) is disgusting and I regret picking this book up and giving it a chance. The character Tracy is a blatant p*dophile who constantly talks about wanting to "love a boy" etc. etc. There is no romance (illicit or otherwise) between Tracy and Noah, just a grown man taking advantage of a 15-year-old kid and an author trying desperately hard to make it seem artsy and sympathetic. Surprise, it didn't work. It really is a terrible story.