A review by jackiijackii
Illyria: Haunted by Mariah Huehner, Scott Tipton


Wow, people didn't really like this one very much. I know Illyria can be a tough sell for some people, but she fascinated me from the beginning (well, after the, you know, waves of grief and crying from losing Fred). I love her story, because it's a story of finding a new beginning in an end, of discovering one's self, and of discovering what it means to be human. I love that stuff. Her inner monologue was poetry, and the artwork was also way better than most of the Angel comics--I wasn't a fan at first, but after a few pages, I was sold. I don't think she'd be able to hold her own in another medium, like film or tv, but comics, with the inner monologue and ability to visualize amazing scenes, is perfect for her.