A review by briipearl
The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent


Sigh… Yet another hopeful, hyped-up read that I had a hard time swallowing. I could’ve let go of the cliches and the predictability, if the writing would’ve made up for it - but it fell flat. 

Even as someone who cusses like a sailor (sorry, Mom), every variation of “f#&$” made me roll my eyes. Too much telling, not enough showing = shallow characters that were just placeholders, not investments. I never once found myself cheering on the MCs. 

Sadly, neither the audiobook nor the physical copy inspired much emotion from me, as the reader. Annoyance, maybe…

Where was the depth that could’ve made this storyline absolutely kick-ass? Where was the slow burn that would’ve made these characters lovable? 

**Insert a curse here involving “tits”.**