A review by laughlinesandliterature
Spark by Amy Kathleen Ryan


I'm still having a hard time with this series. It's good but it just feels too much like a hybrid of Across the Universe and Lord of the Flies. I didn't like Lord of the Flies at all but I loved Across the Universe and I think that maybe why I'm just not loving this series.I do like Waverly and Seth but Kieran makes me want to gouge his eyes out. I'm just not that big on cult like books and thats what I feel this series is. Anne Mather and her cult and then Kieran and his cult. It's just not what I hoped I was hoping for a little less drama than Across the Universe especially because at this point drama in space has kind of been done. It's good but I spend half the time wanting to smack these kids around and I know their just kids but really even if your 16 who lets an 8 year old be a guard? I don't know its just not one that I like all that much. I'm giving 3 stars instead of 2 because the writing itself is good and I'll definitely check out other things the author has written I'm just not a fan of this series.