A review by the_bookato
The Vanishing Throne by Elizabeth May


A pretty solid sequel. Perhaps even stronger than the first book. Only the repetition of certain explanations makes it slow down. Although I understand the author wanted to re-explain certain things that happened in the first book.

Aileana is dealing with the aftermath of everything that went down in the first book. It felt real. Her struggle, survivor's guilt,... and those emotions don't just magically vanish through love and friendship.

It was great to delve more into the Fae world, and the dark side of them. In so many books Fae are just beautiful humanbeings but in the world of The Falconer, Fae are to be feared. Rightfully so.

The characters get more backstory. We get to understand them a lot better and the decisions they have made (Derrick is still my favorite and I want a Pixie like him).