A review by thekohanacritique
Animal Farm by George Orwell


"All animals are equal, But some are more equal than others"

All men are equal, but some are more equal than others

That line above, explains all the symbolic meaning in this short, powerful, satirical 95 paged book.

Animal Farm is a great great short story and I just loved the simplicity with which the allegory, the satire was pointed right at our faces! I was smiling and chuckling at the end after I finished reading it. I mean, the way people exploit power, and goodness is explained very flawlessly to the T here, and I could not help but agree and put human beings in the place of pigs and imagine the entire scenario. "The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which" .

How the powerful people trod over people like us, show us the wrath of power, rules, law and regulations and they themselves alter those and excuse themselves from the wrongs by vague excuses and reasonings, specially around people who are illiterate, the less fortunate who work ridiculously hard until they sweat blood, but are never given the "equal benefits" of human life. They say it's all for the change, everything shall pay off when that "change" shall come....only to find ourselves back to that same place where we started, but memories of back then are long forgotten and altered. Promises for a Change, Rebellion, Belief, they are all like a vicious circle or paradox that leads to nothing but where we were before it all began without our own realization. It's a cruel, unfair world and Men are the creators of it.

The thing is, while reading a review of this/such satirical books on human kind or nature, some might feel annoyed that human beings are projected like this - selfish and power craving hypocrites . But, the fact is, most of us are, it may not be you or me, but it could be the person right next to you or your friend. And we need to acknowledge that and either rectify or give in to that nature. It's all in our hands to make things better. "Equal rights for all Special privileges for none" - what an irony!