A review by authorkmg
Bittersweet Blood by Nina Croft


Review from pagetrotter.blogspot.com

3.5 Stars out of 5
ARC received from Netgalley/Entangled Pub.

Ok there really isn't anything wrong with this book. The dialogue is good, the pace is good, the characters are good, the action, secondary characters, love scenes, villain scenes, paranormal aspect and world building? Yeah, they're all good too. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I figured the book out within the first five minutes which is totally fine because I don't need something new and surprising every time I read a book. That would make originality extremely hard on authors, now wouldn't it? I'm just saying that this recipe has been used before and I wasn't wow'd.

That being said, I did enjoy the book. I don't regret reading it or wasting my time. The author is obviously talented because I didn't hate anything about it. If I had to pick a favorite character, I'd go with Piers. He is a teeny bit sociopathic, but you guys know how I love those sociopaths with a strong moral compass that only they follow! (ie-Barrons). He's also super funny, sweet for like a millisecond, and sexy as hell. Yummy British vampire. Now this is a vampire, not that lil punk Edward. Sorry Twihards, I wasn't a fan. Not when I began my paranormal romances with Sherrilyn Kenyon and Christine Feehan. That weak milksop left a lot to be desired when I cut my teeth on such heavy weights. But I digress...yeah so this will be a short review because I don't feel the need to continue on and on about it.

It was a solid paranormal romance. Would I recommend it? Sure would! Will I continue the series? Uh, yes, I have a thing for this sexy vampire Piers.