A review by areaderintime
The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon


That ending, omg...

This was a great sequel to The Bone Season! It would have been a five star read for me if it wasn't so slow at the beginning. It literally took a solid 250-270 pages for something to happen in this book which is kind of a drag for me. If I hadn't loved the first book so much, I may have DNF'd it just because of that slow start. But I am SO glad I stuck through it since this book was SO explosive once it got started! So if you are going to be reading this book soon, I would say just suffer through those 250 pages just so you can read the last 200 or so pages cause that is when this story is blown right open and gets so intense.

Overall, I did really love this sequel even though I feel like it suffered from second book syndrome. Otherwise, it was really good once the action started picking up and this book officially confirmed my dislike for Jaxon, WOW HE IS AWFUL. Anyways, I cannot wait to pick up the third installment as part of my book club so I can't wait to see where this story is taking us!